I suppose as an
English teacher/journalist, I should be much more articulate...BUT...As I sit here on the bed in my 11th floor room looking out through the huge windows that form 0ne entire wall of my room and glimpse a bit of our nation's capital, the first word that comes to mind is... WOW!!!

The city is beautiful. The room is beautiful. Life is beautiful.
Although it was difficult for me to ride in a car after dark (As some of you may know it's a remote possibility that I might have some control issues and I also can't help but get a bit anxious about being a passenger in a vehicle at night on unfamiliar roads)...I am, however, happy that we arrived at night. It was odd coming in to DC because somehow I expected to see all the things we see so often of our capital on television. I think we all think we know what DC looks like...I mean we've all watched inaugurations or press conferences in the Rose Garden...Or at very least seen West Wing or watched The American President 387 times (ok, well maybe that's just me, but I really do love that movie)...But it wasn't what I expected or what I believed I KNEW it to be... I mean, I realized that the buildings in DC weren't tall...I did my homework I knew that the Washington Monument was the tallest DC landmark...and I knew I wouldn't see a famous skyline, but somehow I expected to recognize the city...and although I didn't... I did glimpse and recognize the top of the Washington Monument as soon as it came into view and I felt a sense of awe and a stirring of patriotism that I find hard to explain at the moment.
When we turned on Pennsylvania Avenue, aka America's Main Street, to proceed to our hotel, I'd gotten over the feeling of being confused that this didn't look like the Hollywood version of DC and as I looked at the simple green and white sign with the famous name -- Pennsylvania Avenue --- and viewed more than the tip top of the Washington Monument, I was practically giddy...Corny, maybe??? But true...absolutely. I really feel like I'm somewhere special -- Of course, it doesn't hurt that the Grand Hyatt is a beautiful hotel with a gorgeous lobby and atrium that is a truly magnificent sight to behold at 11:30 p.m. after driving for 8 hours.
The journey from Ohio to DC was also very lovely up until dark. Ohio and Pennsylvania both have lots of trees and rolling hills. Beautiful corn fields and great old red barns dot the landscape between Ohio and ...well...I don't know where exactly we were when it got dark...BUT it was lovely til we got there...
We stopped for dinner at a Ruby Tuesdays. There was nothing really exceptional about it...Except that I was pretty much traveling in pjs (which I find totally normal -- and no, they weren't really pjs but they were super big, super comfy, gray yoga pants, one of my fave black TTU t-shirts, and my black Reefs -- clearly acceptable travel attire for an 8 hour car ride although from the stares I garnered I'm not sure the other patrons agreed) and that I was with my exceptionally fun friends the Grimmetts...BUT...the waitress did say "'EWES want some more so-dah???"... Wonderfully Pennsylavanian jargon apparently...And diction that made me smile almost as much as hearing the melodies of foreign languages spoken in the Houston airport terminal.
Truly other than being on a roller coaster ride of emotion from wonder at the beauty of the countryside of Ohio & Pennsylvania to anxiety, fear, nervousness and even a few tears while driving through the dark (and texting with M'in, Lara and Mom to keep me feeling sane and safe -- thank you all for being my anchors tonight as you have been so many times) and on to complete excitement, elation and a sense of awe as I arrived in MY country's capital city, I have very little to report.
It's no longer Wednesday and since the rest of Thursday holds numerous activities including Ford's Theater, Peterson House, the DC Duck Tour, the White House, St. John's Church and an evening viewing of many of the monuments, I should probably attempt to restrain my excitement and get at least 5 or 6 hours of sleep.
Tonight...or more accurately, this morning... I leave you with a quote about Washington DC from Mark Twain...
"Washington is no doubt the boss town in the country for a man to live in who wants to get all the pleasure he can in a given number of months. But I wasn't built that way. I don't want the earth at one gulp. All of us are always losing some pleasure that we might have if we could be everywhere at once. I lose Washington, for instance, for the privilege of saving my life. My doctor told me that if I wanted my three score and 10, I must go to bed early, keep out of social excitements, and behave myself. You can't do that in Washington. Nobody does."
I'm going to try to 'behave myself' in Washington, but mostly I'm going to 'gulp' as much of its grandeur as I can and share it as best as possible with you.
LOVE it!! You have now become my addictive daily read! Enjoy....thanks for letting us "live through YOU!"